White Rose Ayurveda Spa and Treatment Centre

Experience Ayurveda Detox . Energise . Perform.


Facilitating good health and wellbeing by creating a balance between the body, mind, and spirit.

An ancient treatment, for well-being that comes from within, Panchakarma rejuvenates the entire being and includes five major procedures that help purify the body by eliminating accumulated toxins. The five key procedures in this treatment are Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Snehavasthi (Medicated Oil Enema), Kashayavasti (Medicated decoction enema) & Nasyam (Nasal Nasal Drops). Panchakarma can be administered to both a healthy as well as an unwell person. When a healthy person undertakes this treatment, it has a preventive, restorative and rejuvenative effect on the body.

At HLC Cruise & Emporium, we're thrilled to introduce our Personal Holistic Detoxification Packages, designed to cleanse, energize, and rejuvenate your body from the inside out.
Why Choose our Personal Holistic Detoxification Packages?
Our team of experts understands that true health encompasses more than just the absence of illness; it involves nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. Our carefully curated detoxification packages are thoughtfully designed to address your specific needs and help you restore balance in all aspects of your life.

What's Included in our Personal Holistic Detoxification Packages?
1. Comprehensive Consultation: Before beginning your detoxification journey, our wellness experts will conduct a detailed consultation to understand your goals, concerns, and preferences. This personalized approach ensures a tailor-made program that suits your unique needs.
2. Nutrition Guidance: A healthy body begins with nourishment. Our experienced nutritionists will create a customized meal plan, focusing on whole, organic, and nutrient-rich foods, specifically chosen to support your detoxification process.
3. Natural Supplements: To enhance the effectiveness of your detoxification, we provide you with carefully selected natural supplements to support your body's ability to eliminate toxins, boost your energy levels, and improve overall vitality.
4. Holistic Therapies: Experience the power of various holistic therapies, including aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage, and meditation. These therapies work in harmony to promote relaxation, relieve stress, stimulate circulation, and encourage toxin elimination.
5. Fitness and Movement: We firmly believe that physical exercise is essential for detoxification and overall wellbeing. Our personal trainers will guide you through invigorating fitness routines, including yoga, Pilates, and strength training – tailored to suit your fitness level and preferences.
The Benefits of Personal Holistic Detoxification Packages:
1. Improved Digestion: By eliminating toxins from your body, you'll experience improved digestion, reduced bloating, and enhanced nutrient absorption – leading to increased energy levels and overall vitality.
2. Enhanced Mental Clarity: Rid yourself of mental fog and experience improved concentration, sharper cognitive function, and mental clarity through our holistic approach to

Introducing Special Bridal Packages and Ayurveda Detox with Energise treatments on board

Personal Holistic Detoxification Packages: Cleanse, Energize, and Rejuvenate Your Body!